We're still committed to helping make election day a national holiday, however, we know there is strength in numbers and as a result, we've joined forces with ElectionDay.org! Check out our latest information and resources on the site linked above so that we can continue to build our task force and make election day a national company holiday.
Is your company a member of Employers for VTO?
Get involved today. Ask your employer to join us and our commitment to close on Election Day, November 8, 2016. We’ve made it simple.
Copy and paste this letter and then email it to your employer to share with them that you’ve joined companies for Positive Political Change and invite them to join too.
To My HR Department or Company Management:
I’m writing to share with you an incredible opportunity for our business. There's a group called Employers for VTO. Their a employers working together to create positive change in our communities by making it simple for employees to vote on Election Day, November 8, 2016.
They're a non-partisan group with no membership fees that support each other and create opportunities to connect with like-minded companies committed to simple strategies to support employee involvement in their local communities.
Membership is free but comes with big benefits. Check them out at www.employersforVTO.org.
You could also share this page with them where they can learn more about Benefits for Employers or About Us.