We're still committed to helping make election day a national holiday, however, we know there is strength in numbers and as a result, we've joined forces with ElectionDay.org! Check out our latest information and resources on the site linked above so that we can continue to build our task force and make election day a national company holiday.
Ok, so let’s take a moment and clarify what Employers for VTO isn’t.
We are not a partisan group.
We are not a sounding board for complaints about “big money or corporate influence in politics”.
We are not a 501c. We don’t want your money. We want participation and engagement.
We are not about donations. If you’d like to donate to the cause, give your employees some time off to volunteer or pick your favorite charity and send your dollars there.
To learn more about what we are about, click here.
Employers for VTO was started by a small group of like-minded companies with a focused purpose to activate the vote this year. We are also working to make election days national and corporate holidays.
While our focus remains narrow, we encourage other companies to look into the Conscious Capitalism movement and the Small Giants Community for some more comprehensive business communities encouraging companies to be good corporate citizens while remaining focused on culture and profitability.